Breaking The “Bedtime Barrier”

I am a huge fan of late night comedy especially SNL’s weekend update. While workshopping bits with my friend Inna Swinton we realized that late night was broadening its horizons but still had barriers yet to break.

One barrier being the “bedtime barrier,” aka late night for kids!

I was never one to go quietly into the goodnight myself but 5-10 minutes of Letterman sitting next to my dad always did the trick. The only unfortunate side effect was that I knew way too much about the Clinton scandal for a 9 year old.

Inna and I wanted to craft content that was smart, relatable, and had just the right amount of silly. In need of performers, Inna graciously offered up her own children, Alexa and Maxim, as our talent.

Alexa Swinton, right (Emergence - ABC, Billions - Showtime) & Maxim Swinton, left (Little Big Shots, The Black List - NBC).More videos to come from this adorable sister brother duo who who are on their way to Gen Z megastardom.